celebrating 30 years


Company Registrations Online Ltd

Over 30 successful years in business.

CRO was first established by our previous Managing Director, Phil Vibrans as a sole trader in May 1993 under the original brand of ‘Davenport Company Services’. Steady growth during the 1990s saw the business become the world’s first online company registration agent in 1998, followed shortly after by the incorporation of the business under the name of Company Registrations Online Limited.

The early part of the millennium saw further rapid growth as the business became firmly established as a trusted service provider to over a thousand accountancy and law firms. Further innovative technological developments followed and the early 2000s saw the introduction of our unique CompanyView platform designed to assist professional clients in the upkeep and maintenance of company secretarial services for large volumes of limited companies.

Woman on phone and laptop

CRO maintains a high profile at the forefront of our business sector with both of the company’s directors having been Board members of the Association of Company Registration Agents (ACRA) for over ten years. Through the Association we are engaged with a number of Government departments, helping to improve and formulate policies, and influence new legislation affecting our sector.

More recently CRO developed a state of the art information service under the branding of CROinfo, which supplies a range of due diligence information reports to the legal professions together with a comprehensive selection of UK and International business information reports serving a wide range of professional business sectors. The success of this service was recognised by being awarded “Supplier of the Year 2017” by the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians.
The business operates from two locations in the UK, our head office being in Cheshire where our company registration and company secretarial departments are located. Our information services are managed from our Cardiff office.